Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Faculty at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Adjunct Faculty at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Research Intern at National University of Singapore, Singapore
Machine Learning Intern at e-SRD Lab, BUET and NWPGCL, Bangladesh
Supervisor: Dr. Yang Zhang
Supervisor: Dr. Mohammad Saifur Rahman
Supervisor: A. B. M. Alim Al Islam
Became 8th out of 98 teams at kaggle, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Secured a score higher than 30% of the contestants at kaggle, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Became Runner-Up at kaggle, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Became Champion at , Dhaka, Bangladesh
Won the best student poster title at , Dhaka, Bangladesh
Became 10th in the National rounds at , Dhaka, Bangladesh