
C Compiler

GitHub Repository
Language: Flex, Bison, YACC

  • Created a C compiler using tools like Flex, Bison, and Yacc, demonstrating my skills in buildingsoftware that understands and processes programming languages.


Materials: Arduino UNO, Flame Sensor

4-bit MIPS Implementation

Materials: atmega32, basic ICs

Online Exam Management System

Framework: React, NodeJS, PostgreSQL

Ray Tracing

GitHub Repository
Ray Tracing Language: C++ Library: OpenGL

  • Developed a ray tracing pipeline entirely from scratch, incorporating the Phong Lighting Model for accurate lighting effects and Recursive Reflection for realistic rendering.
  • This pipeline enables the simulation of complex light interactions and creates visually stunning scenes with lifelike reflections and shading.

Framework: ejs, NodeJS, OracleDB

Vehicle Detection in the Context of Bangladesh

Models used: YOLOv6, YOLOv8, Co-DETR, RTDETR